
May – September

This course is best suited for beginners who want to learn the basics of sailing. It consists of 16 classes and focuses on the practical aspects of sailing and basic sailing theory. You will learn how to set sail, basic maneuvers such as the tack and jibe and holding on to a directional course and sailing knots. The course is completed with a basic-sailing license.


  • May- June: weekends and holidays.
  • July- August: Mon-Thu, or over two weekends


Price: € 349,00; including boat rental, excluding examination fee

Examination fee Basic License€ 29
Examination fee Junior License€ 25


May – September

Trial Course: A 2 hour practical course oriented course. The course gives you your first insight into what sailing is about. You get familiar with the dinghy and you gain your first sailing experience.

Price: € 89


May – September

Refresher Day: 4 hours of practice-oriented classes to refresh and improve your sailing skills plus one additional hour of free practice with a dinghy.

Depending on your prior knowledge and wind conditions you will practice maneuvers, how to maintain a course, weight trim or anything else you feel you need to learn.

Price: € 179


Dates 2024 on request

With the BFA-Binnen you can rent and sail sailing yachts in inland waters. The knowledge acquired in the basic course is perfected and extended in 23 classes. Maneuvers such as the man-overboard-rescue and the yacht jibe are learned and sail and weight trim are practiced. The theoretical part prepares you for the final exam. Reading Peter Günzl’s book ‘Segeln: Der neue Kurs. Zielorientiert zum A-Schein’ is mandatory.

Next dates: upon request

Schedule: Mon-Fri, or as an intensive course over two weekends.

Pre-requirements: basic-sailing license, ability to swim, minimum age 14,

Minimum number of participants required: 4


  • € 379 (excluding: literature, examination fee, exhibition fee)
  • Examination fee € 35
  • Exhibition fee of the OesV (Austrian Sailing Association) € 30


BFA license in 8 days

This intensive course prepares you for your BFA license in 7 days, no prior sailing experience required! 30 sailing classes and free practice after the classes on course days.

Basic sailing skills are acquired within the first two days of the course. In the following days BFA maneuvers such as the man-overboard-rescue and the yacht jibe are learned, and sail and weight trim are practiced.

Pre-requirements: minimum age 14, ability to swim

Minimum of participants required: 4

The theoretical part prepares you for the final exam. Reading Peter Günzl’s book ‘Segeln: Der neue Kurs. Zielorientiert zum A-Schein’ is mandatory.

Next dates: upon request


  • € 579 (excluding: literature, examination fee, exhibition fee)
  • Examination fee € 35
  • Exhibition fee of the OesV (Austrian Sailing Association) € 30


May – September

If you want to plan your time more flexibly, or you want to practice specific maneuvers, private coaching is a good option. Private classes are available anytime upon request and are suitable for all ages and all skill levels.

Price: € 84
60 min practice oriented class, including boat rental, for additional participants we charge a fee of € 15/ person


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